* Try on fee of $30 per group/booking session to try on unlimited number of dresses - this will be deducted from your hire fee if you proceed with a hire or purchase during your booking.
* Try on fee is to be paid 24 hours prior to your booking, and is non-refundable.
* Booking sessions are limited to 30 minutes per one customer, to ensure compliance with COVID safety precautions.
* To ensure our stylist can assist you as best as possible during your booking, please forward images of all options you would like to try on prior to your booking so our team may ensure availability and prepare beforehand. You may browse all dress options via socials or website.
* If you require undergarments, jewellery or fashion solutions please inform our team, so we may prepare this for you beforehand.
* Please remove all jewellery during your booking and inform our team if you are wearing spray tan before trying on garments.
* Please reschedule your booking if you feel unwell with a fever, cough or sore throat or if you have travelled to any current COVID hotspots.
* Strictly ladies only.